Curl Quiz
Unsure which products are RIGHT for your Curls?
Take our short curl quiz to see what products are right for the type of curls you have.
"This shampoo is glorious and smells like angel's breath. I am rewarded with spunky, lekker curls when I bathe my curls in this elixir made of the finest leprechaun's gold, stirred by ancient Indian elders in only a clockwise direction. Magical."
- Rhode B
Find The RIGHT products for your CURL TYPE
Wavy Hair (Type 2)
Do you have frizz with no curl? Or waves that don't keep their shape? Do most products weigh your hair down?
Curly Hair (Type 3)
Is your hair curly but full of frizz?
Do you struggle with dry hair or scalp? Are you looking for more definition?
Coily Hair (Type 4)
Are your coils constantly thirsty?
Do you struggle keeping them moisturised? Are you looking for a solution that will keep your hair & scalp healthy?
Hair Care Products
Browse our range of Curly Girl hair care products to suit every curl type.
Individual Products
Browse our range of individual products to suit every Curly Girl's needs.
Browse our wide range of combos to with all the products you need to transform your curls
what do curly girls say?
5 Star Reviews
"My curls have never been more healthy and beautiful! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IntrinsiCurly ME!"
We are so privileged to have received hundreds and hundreds of 5 star reviews from Curly Girls that have purchased our products and absolutely loved them!
Approved stockists
Looking for a Curly Girl Approved Salon?
Browse a variety of local and online stockists and salons, including our Curly Girl Certified Salons that stock and use IntrinsiCurly Me.

formulated in South Africa
by a Curly Girl, for Curlies
"I believe wavy, curly and coily hair must be celebrated and not beaten down by straightening and relaxing. When you are always fighting with your natural hair pattern, you are suppressing your beautiful wild side and who you really are. "
"Celebrate your natural curls and be naturally beautifully you!"
- Simonne Solarsh, Founder of IntrinsiCurly Me